A few years ago the "Downton Abbey" and "detective Sherlock" of the British drama fire up, setting off a burst of enthusiasm for learning english. So, here comes the question. How do we learn to practice spoken English? Is it a good idea to find a reliable way of teaching English teachers a lot of people however, one of the learning mode of English teachers also do not understand, are not sure of what will happen to the learning effect. What are the effects of the "one to one" effect of English foreign teachers? Here, English foreign teachers come for everyone to dispel doubts.
English to foreign teachers, one to one teaching effectiveness depends on the following factors:
First, your English learning purposes are suitable, please English teacher one to one. Most people learn English are suitable for foreign teachers, foreign teachers in the spoken, listening, practical use, or professional English and other aspects of your greatest help. Except where there is a situation that you just want to pass the exam skills or charge and other ways to perform a test in the short term, this objective may actually be Chinese teachers who specializes in examination skills can help you.
第二,外教的资质直接影响英语外教一对一学习效果的好坏。并不是所有外国人都可以当外教,真正的外教是要经过国际资质认证的,就像中国的老师也一定要有教师证一样。所以,要想保证学习效果,在选外教的时候,必须要认清外教是否具备国际认证资质。目前,在国际上最受到认可的外教认证是TEFL和TESOL,而ForeignerHR拥有的8000余名外教全部具备这两种资质。TESOL是指Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages(教授非英语人士英语),目前国内正规的外教机构在招聘外教的时候都会要求持有TESOL证书,所以在挑选外教的时候,首先要看的就是这两种认证证书。拥有认证资质的外教都是口音标准,具备专业教学方法和专业的行业素质的老师,如果不幸选择了没有执教资质的老外,很可能你学出一口英语方言,在行业的专业性上就更没有什么保障可言了。
Second, foreign teachers directly affect the quality of English teachers, one to one learning effect is good or bad. Not all foreigners can become foreign teachers, the real foreign teachers are required to pass the international qualification certification, just like Chinese teachers must also have a teacher's card. Therefore, in order to ensure the effectiveness of the study, in choosing foreign teachers, we must recognize whether foreign teachers have international certification. At present, the most recognized foreign teachers in the international certification is TEFL and TESOL, and ForeignerHR has more than 8000 foreign teachers all have the two qualifications. TESOL Teaching English to Speakers of refers to Other Languages (Professor of non English speakers of English), currently the regular teacher institutions in the recruitment of foreign teachers will be required to hold the certificate of TESOL, so when choosing a teacher, first of all to see is the two certification. Certified teacher is accent standard, professional teaching methods and professional quality of teachers, if unfortunately chose no coaching qualification of foreigners, you may learn a dialect of English, in the professional industry is no guarantee at all what.
Third, you and the teacher whether compatibility also affects the English teacher one on one of your learning effect. The so-called "right", is that you must find a match you with a high degree of foreign teachers. The matching degree mainly includes two points, one is the industry matching degree, and the other two is the character matching degree. The industry fit on your professional promotion is the key, if you are in the financial sector, if you have a good teacher in the construction industry, professional English will not be able to give you more help, of course, if you simply want to practice spoken English does not have too big. Character matching refers to whether you "hit", the so-called disagreeable conversation half sentence, only you and your teacher and hit it off, you only speak more desire, speak much faster, but also to improve the English level, I believe this truth is easier to understand.
English teachers of learning channels can provide a pure English environment for students, as well as the "friendly" teaching method, make learning English become interesting, so that students love English, accelerate students English learning. Exhausted after a day's work, and returned home, one to one English teacher has come to, and stay home, you can communicate with professional teachers and students around the world to communicate, to learn the most authentic English spoken.