在学校的课堂里,我们和外教老师进行了互动。记得那天,外教老师脚刚一踏进教室,就如同一颗响雷,把整个教室炸开了。一眼望去,一个地道的外国人:双眼皮,宝蓝色的大眼睛,面带微笑的站在教室门口。那外国人的标志——鹰钩鼻,透露出着一种隐隐约约的幽默。随着老师精彩的纯英文开场,给我们营造了一个热闹的课堂。外教老师首先教了我两首欢快的英文歌曲。接着,又组织我们排着整齐的队伍,向操场进发。到了操场,老师让我们围成一个圈然后,老师讲了一遍“BLOW WIND BLOW”的游戏规则,紧接着,我们开始玩游戏,外教老师说:“Blow wind,blow,blow wind who is boy.”接着现场一片欢腾,男生们全部动了起来,最后一个男生也被拉到中间来,开始了新的一场,“Blow wind blow,blow wind every body.”此时此刻每个人都活跃了起来,都换了位置,就这样,每一轮,剩下来的人都将会是下一轮的主导人。不知不觉中,接近了下课,而这一次课却让我受益匪浅。 这次活动给我们提供了一个更为真实的语言环境,通过用做游戏的形式,我们在交流中不断练习自己的语言反应能力。
In the school classroom, we interact with our foreign teachers. Remember that day, the teacher's foot just stepped into the classroom, just like a ring of thunder, the entire classroom exploded. At first glance, an authentic foreigner: eyelid, blue eyes, smiling stood in front of the classroom. The foreigners sign - nose, revealing an indistinct humor. With the teacher's wonderful pure English opening, to give us a lively classroom. The teacher first taught me two lively English songs. Then, we have a neat row of the team, marching to the playground. To the playground, the teacher let us in a circle then, the teacher talked about it again, "blow wind blow" rules of the game, immediately, we began to play games, foreign teacher said: "wind blow, blow, blow wind who is boy." then the scene of jubilation, the boys are moving up, finally, boys who are drawn into the middle, started a new field, "blow wind blow, blow wind every body at this time at the moment of each people are active up, both for the position, so, each round, the remaining will be the next round of leading. Before I knew it, I was close to the class, and this time, I benefited a lot from it. This event gives us a more realistic language environment, through the use of games in the form of communication, we continue to practice their language skills.
The wisdom of the teacher let me understand the ultimate goal of learning English is to communicate with others, we need to say. Do not stare at textbooks, in addition, we also need to practice English listening through various ways, listening to English radio, English TV, reading English newspapers, etc.. So the best way to learn English is to be brave enough to say that you have a mother tongue.