Foreign English teachers can effectively help children improve their English learning ability. It is very important to choose the right foreign English teachers. Let's share how to choose the right foreign English teachers?
1. 外教必须是以英语为母语国家的外教,这样才可以保证您所学的是地地道道英语口语。
1. The foreign teacher must be a native English speaking foreign teacher, so that you can ensure that what you learn is authentic oral English.
2. 外教必须是全职的,是所属某个正规教育机构的。在中国,有很多外教在中国的原因是旅游和教学的,每当他们呆在一个城市超过半年左右,他们就会换一个地方,继续旅游,继续教学赚取旅游费用,这样的英语外教不稳定,可能不会把所有经历都花在教学上,所以大家在选择外教的时候,尽可能在选择正规培训中心,培训机构的外教,那里的外教一般都是全职的,这样才可以保证您的教学效果。
2. Foreign teachers must be full-time and belong to a regular educational institution. In China, there are many foreign teachers in China because of tourism and teaching. Whenever they stay in a city for more than half a year, they will change places, continue to travel, continue to teach and earn travel expenses. Such foreign English teachers are unstable and may not spend all their experience on teaching. Therefore, when choosing foreign teachers, As far as possible in the choice of formal training centers, training institutions of foreign teachers, where foreign teachers are generally full-time, so as to ensure your teaching effect.
3. 最好是有过教学经验的外教。例如一位中国学员来说,您选择的英语外教最好的有丰富的教学中国学生的外教,这样的话,他可以清楚中国人学英语的一些规律,更加有效的提高教学效果。随便说一句,98%的外教都是不会说中文的哦!因为他们都是呆在国外的。
3. Foreign teachers with teaching experience are preferred. For example, for a Chinese student, the best foreign English teacher you choose is a foreign teacher who has rich experience in teaching Chinese students. In this way, he can understand some rules of Chinese learning English and improve the teaching effect more effectively. Anyway, 98% of foreign teachers can't speak Chinese! Because they all stay abroad.