


  Many people want to learn spoken English well, but they don't know the way. Today, the foreign teacher of English introduces to you:


  First, how to use English to simply define or define the skills.


  Eighty percent of people talk to each other to tell each other what it is. Despite the increasing difficulty of vocabulary in school textbooks, the logical structure of thinking only stays at one level.

  第二、如果已经学会界定,但理解还有偏差,那就要训练How to explain things in different ways(用不同的方式解释同一事物)。

  Second, if you have learned to define, but still have a deviation in understanding, then train how to explain things in different ways.


  If one expression is not understood by the other, Americans will look for another expression to make the other understand. Because there is only one thing, but there may be many linguistic symbols to express it. This requires more substitution exercises. Traditional teaching methods also do substitution exercises, but this kind of substitution is not a real substitution, but a linguistic substitution rather than a thinking substitution. Express the same meaning in a different way, or an expression is not clear to the other party. Give a simple example to express it until the other party understands it.


  Third, we must learn how Americans describe things.


  Descriptively speaking, because of the cultural differences between China and the United States, there will be great differences. We describe things in terms of time and space. American descriptions of space are always from inside to outside, from inside to outside. The Chinese are just the opposite. In terms of time, the Chinese people are described in natural chronological order. When we describe a sudden stop, the last place we usually say is the most important. Americans first say the most important things in describing time, and then say the foil things. Only when tragic events occur can Americans lay the groundwork ahead. This is the huge difference in time description between Chinese and Americans.
