


  1. The method is effective. Paying attention to methods is effective because foreign teachers have their own unique teaching methods. According to children's learning expertise, give full play to their advantages, make up for their shortcomings, and teach students in accordance with their aptitude.


  Different from middle school teachers, foreign teachers have different perspectives on thinking and helping children. They take the initiative to let children solve problems in English, emphasizing autonomy and initiative.


  2. Understanding children. Many parents do not understand the advantages and shortcomings of their children, and in their English learning, they are even more unable to guide their teaching in terms of their preferences and strengths. Foreign teachers can find out the difficulties of children's language learning as soon as they understand their children's mastery of language.


  3. Vocational certification. The international authoritative TESOL/TEFL certificate certification, higher recognition of teaching professional competence, brand foreign teachers of Britain, America, Canada, Europe and the United States, the rigorous screening, in many parents of students, has attracted considerable attention.
