


Now learning English really can be said from the baby, there are many parents and friends in order to cultivate their children's language ability to let their children begin to participate in the preschool English training class. In fact, the main teaching purpose of the children's English training class is to develop the children's interest in learning English so as to improve their learning English. The enthusiasm of the language. Therefore, foreign teachers believe that preschool English teaching is not the most important, but to cultivate children's interest and enlightenment teaching as the center.


In fact, there are many factors affecting children's interest in learning English, such as children's character, children's character has played a great role in learning English and improving English performance and promoting their own intellectual development. Because of the differences in personality structure, children often form different personality characteristics. From a psychological point of view, human personality can be divided into introverted and extroverted. Children's personality directly affects their language use ability, which is an important factor that affects children's interest in learning English. Although personality can not determine the success of English learning, it will affect children's interest in learning.


Therefore, the top priority is that we must pay attention to the guidance and training of young children's character, so that children can adapt to the actual situation of children's English teaching when they participate in children's English training class, and can stimulate the children's interest in learning to the maximum, so that children can develop good English quality under the knowledge of knowledge. And intelligence.
