There are thousands of languages in the world, but there are dozens of common languages. In these common languages, English is considered the most easy language to learn. Diligence Chinese students should be world famous. However, when the most diligent student with the easy language, the result was surprising -- 80% of the Chinese students to learn English well, which is what causes it, please listen to our English teacher for a teacher to a fine fine.
Error 1: low efficiency word method
If you want to learn English, you have to begin to memorize words? This may be the most prominent part of our traditional teaching method. Students who do not memorize words are labeled with hard work and laziness. The pupils often repeated dictation words: apple, apple, apple; even the students also took the words abandon, abey, abnormal;
In order to help the children back the word, we study a variety of fast memory method linguists:
On the back of the root affixes: concede, recede, succeed;
According to the homophonic Association law back: Aunt retire=retire= tired, retired;
According to the character classification back: my home dad, the temper bad, a little mad, I am very sad;
As a result, we find that the back is fast, but forget faster. The frequent reciting of words at high pressure makes us tired of the learning method, and the learning efficiency is only getting lower and lower.
The reasons for the phenomenon of foreign teachers' one to one analysis are: the way of memorizing words is wrong in itself, so no matter how you recite, you may not learn English well.
Error 2: Brush grammar, error correction grammar
In English class, we didn't know how many papers we had done. Diligent students not only took the examination papers seriously, but also did the wrong questions again and again. Usually they do this:
We’ll arrive in Beijing___Monday next week.
We 'll arrive in Beijing___Monday next week.
这道选择题有四个选项:in Monday?at Monday?on Monday?from Monday?但只有一个答案是正确的。可对你的大脑来说,它接收到4个信息,这样记下来正确的选项和错误的选项非常容易混淆。这也就是为什么同样的题目你总是一错再错的原因。
This option has four options: in Monday? At Monday? On Monday? From Monday? But only one answer is correct. For your brain, it receives 4 information, so it is very easy to confuse the right options and the wrong options. This is why you always make the same topic the reason.
Error 3: I do not know the core differences between English and Chinese pronunciation, the hearing is not open, and the reading and writing can not follow.
After learning English for so many years, do you know the difference between English pronunciation and Chinese pronunciation? If you don't know, it's also very normal, indicating that your English has been learning inefficiently.
Gap 1: English is polysyllable, and Chinese is monosyllabic as a whole. In the eyes of native speakers, word is segmented. A-pple, ba-na-na can read and write every word, and memorize every syllable of this word.
差距2:汉语读音字字分离,而英语读音字字相连。中国学生看到下面的句子会这样读:When I was a little girl.但英美人则会念成:Whe nI wa sa little girl.如果你一直以中式思维来学习英语,那你就很难听懂听力,写作上也难有较大的发展,只能勉强搞定应试。
2: the gap between Chinese pronunciation and English pronunciation word separation, every word is linked. China students see the following sentences will be read: When I was a the little girl. but the Anglo American who read: Whe nI wa SA little girl. if you have been thinking in Chinese like to learn English, it's very difficult to understand the listening, writing is difficult to develop, can barely fix test.
Don't we Chinese students learn English well? Certainly - it's very good to follow foreign teachers and learn English one to one. Our foreign teachers are native speakers of English. They have international certifications, do not force you to memorize words, but use relaxed and interesting teaching methods to teach children to learn. In addition, we do systematic teaching in combination with the differences of English and Chinese pronunciation.