

突然间发现在一个问题,问题主要来源于外教招聘过程中 ,外教到校是相对来讲比较简单容易的事情,我们可以添油加醋的去美化一个城市的环境,城市的空气良好的情况,甚至给外教一些比较美好的图片。但是,我们接下来就会遇到不可调和的矛盾,外教到校以后会感觉到生活的落差,不能习惯,甚至可以说不想习惯当地的生活环境。在到校的三两个外教中能够留下一个就是非常正常的情况。由于招聘外教的渠道比较狭隘,很多学校有可能3个月都找不到合适的外教。在中国有某家非常著名的连锁的培训机构,他们的总部也在为全国的分部进行招聘,但是僧多粥少,很多分部都不能够及时的聘用到合适的外教。

Suddenly found a problem in the problem, mainly from the teacher recruitment process, teachers at the school is relatively simple and easy thing, we can go to a city of adding the trimmings to beautify the environment, the city's air good, even some of the more beautiful picture for foreign teachers. However, we will encounter irreconcilable contradictions, the school teacher will feel that life can not drop, habits, and even can be said to the living environment of local habit. Can leave is a very normal situation in the school's 32 teachers. Due to the recruitment of foreign teachers is relatively narrow channels, many schools are likely to find a suitable foreign teacher for 3 months. There is a very famous chain of the training institutions in the China, their headquarters in the recruitment division, but far too many segments are not able to timely hire suitable teachers.


The recruitment of foreign teachers of the school knows, is not only the school choice of foreign teachers, at the same time some qualifications, some teaching experience of foreign teachers will pick the school. They not only take into account the number of foreigners in the city, but also take into account the city's air, the school's working environment, more importantly, the school accommodation. Inside the city, we are accustomed to foreigners pass, but many of the county, town people see the teacher will look askance. The teacher at the school, but life is boring, even if they will still work bound, decided to leave.
