Interview English: interview must have five soft skills teachers for you:
1. 职业道德。好好想想企业的使命和愿景对你有多么重要,并解释为什么你愿意为了公司的成功而付出更多。评估候选人的方式之一是通过以前的表现预测将来的结果。描述你是如何高效、及时地完成项目、为什么你守时有毅力,以及你是如何在公司目标和个人发展中找到平衡的。
1 professional ethics. Think about how your mission and vision are important to you and explain why you are willing to pay more for the company's success. One way to assess a candidate is to predict future results through previous performance. Describe how you have completed projects efficiently and in a timely manner, why you are on time, and how you can balance your goals and personal development.
2. 态度积极。举例表明你在过去的工作中如何提高员工士气,或者你积极的态度如何帮助激励你的同事或下属。有些人天生活泼,总是乐观向上。其他人会更沉闷、更无精打采。如果你是个低调的人,和面试官握手时保持微笑,回答时加些语调和表情。确保你不会给面试官“无聊”的印象,不然你会失去被雇佣的机会。
2 positive attitude. Examples show how you can improve employee morale in your past work, or how your positive attitude can help motivate your colleagues or subordinates. Some people are born to be lively, always optimistic upward. Others will be more and more boring in the blues. If you are a low - key person, keep a smile when you shake hands with the interviewer. Make sure you don't give the interviewer a "boring" impression, otherwise you will lose your chance of being hired.
3. 沟通技巧。面试是展示你沟通能力的绝佳机会,所以要好好准备和练习以便展示你最好的沟通技能。举例说明在过去的职位中的成就,比如开发过什么材料,策划过什么活动等。
3 communication skills. Interview is a great opportunity to show your communication skills, so be prepared and practice to show your best communication skills. For example, in the past positions in the achievements, such as the development of what materials, planning what activities, etc..
4. 时间管理。这是很多雇主在招聘时寻求的关键技能。对想在一家刚起步的公司工作的应聘者来说,知道如何有效管理时间、任务和职责是特别重要的。准备好解释你如何优先处理最重要的项目、把项目委派给有能力的人以及如何在资源有限的情况下找出方法完成任务。
4 time management. This is a lot of employers in the recruitment of key skills to seek. For an applicant who wants to work in a company that has just started, it is important to know how to manage time, tasks and responsibilities effectively. Be prepared to explain how you prioritize the most important projects, delegate the project to the person who has the ability and how to find ways to accomplish the task in limited resources.
5. 自信。你可以通过在面试时的表现,包括如何着装、握手以及谈论过去经历来体现自信。和陌生人说话时直视对方。听自己的声音——是尖锐的或是胆小的?练习用更自信的声音说话。外教老师告诉您不要忘记你的肢体语言,它是雇主衡量你信心高低的首要方法之一。
5 confidence. You can reflect confidence by dressing, shaking hands, and talking about past experiences, in an interview. Look directly at the other person when you talk to a stranger. Listen to your own voice -- is sharp or timid, practice speaking in a more confident voice. The teacher tells you not to forget your body language, it is one of the most important methods to measure the level of confidence.